
The Dragon Slayer: A Primer on Countering China’s Strategic Encirclement of America

Book Cover of The Dragon Slayer: A Primer of Countering China's Strategic Encirclement of America by Robert J. Peale

In this PRIMER ON COUNTERING CHINA’S ENCIRCLEMENT of the United States you will discover the People’s Republic of China’s malicious intent to surround America from all sides. While China presents itself as a benign power, it is a dragon masquerading as a panda. Americans need to wake up to this imminent threat on our doorstep. The DRAGON SLAYER identifies the nature of the Chinese threat, explores its encirclement of the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the United States. It provides an overview of the present situation, how we arrived at this point in history, and significant points of fact regarding China to form a cohesive understanding of this foreign policy problem that is rapidly endangering American security at home and abroad. This book will provide you with a better understanding of the true threat China poses to American security and how we, as Americans, can take responsibility as a nation to correct this vulnerability.

Key Features:

  • Unveils China’s Malicious Intent: Understand how China’s strategic encirclement of the U.S. poses an unprecedented security threat.
  • Global Scope: Explores China’s growing influence in key regions including the Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
  • Historical Context: Provides a thorough overview of how the U.S. arrived at this moment in history and the critical facts surrounding China’s rise.
  • National Security Focus: Offers clear insights on how the encirclement affects American security both domestically and abroad.
  • Action-Oriented: Calls for urgent responses to counteract the threat and protect the nation’s future.
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